I licked my paw, gazing at the starry ground below me. My grey fur blended in with the flurries of light, braking off into a blue background. My head whipped around, as a massive gold orb glared in my eyes, below the entrance of camp. Suspiciously, I got to my feet, and took a couple rabbit-length steps to this mysterious yellow ball.
At once a white outline vividly appeared. I gasped, air caught in my throat. Feathertail! I could tell my daughter anywhere. And this was her. My heart jumped with joy, but also ached at the thought of her death in the mountains. Her grey pelted thickened, as she blinked, flustered, and looked around. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face.
I leaped onto her, with a joyful screech. She shook her head in disbelief, and narrowed her eyes, studying me. "It's me. Your mother." I whispered, and buried my head into her pelt. At last I could know what that felt like.
More emotions then I have ever felt were flowing out my daughter's fur. More then I could name. My muzzle was stained wet, and my eyes blurred. "I missed you, my kit!" I whispered, as a stared at my silent kin. But her eyes told me everything. Only her mother could understand.
"It's okay honey." I reassured her. Licking behind her ear warmly, "Your safe now."